Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Um, what?

I just went to a running store in Philly (I needed some shoe advice) and was told to give up caffeine in my quest to get faster in running.

I'm sorry, I already quit smoking. I'll quit coffee when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.


Mel said...

They just did a study (which if I had time I would find for you) that the good effects of caffeine outweigh the bad...it was on the Today show a couple of weeks ago and after that I decided that my latte habit for breakfast was actually GOOD for me :-)

Mollypants said...

Yeah I'm with you on that one. I see where they were coming from on it (caffeine raises your heart rate artificially, which affects your performance cardiovascularly when you're pushing your body), but like I said, I'm not training to be in Prefontaine shape here. Just want to finish the race. If I get a decent time, I *might* see if I can push it to do the Philadelphia marathon in November (thereby knocking out one of my 101 goals) but I'm not counting on it.