Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am still in the process of getting myself into shape, and I've started walking and running for a few reasons:

1. I need something that does not allow me the ability to bring cigarettes in a pack or purse. Bicycling's out because I always end up bringing a backpack on a bike trip.
2. It's cheap. I have a pair of running shoes already.
3. I have the space to do it.
4. It can be done in hot and cold weather.
5. There's really no excuse for slacking off - if I'm tired, I can walk.

So I've been doing it. My lung capacity is slowly increasing, especially since I quit smoking. Yes, I'm certifiably smoke-free. I really want a damn cigarette, but I'm done. That whole "2 weeks and then you'll forget about it"? Bull. But it's okay.

I don't have a running buddy (my roommate will walk with me, but doesn't want to do the running thing), but someone recommended that I get some sort of goal to work towards while running. So I found one. I'm hoping to run the Virginia Ten Miler in my hometown in late September. It's a pretty big challenge, but I *think* I can do it. I have been running about three miles at a time (minus when I have to stop for traffic to cross the street, maybe 2-3x a run), and then my big days (maybe 2-3x a week) are about 6 miles - run 4, walk 2. More or less, I just run until I can't do it anymore, then walk til I can get my breath, then I run again. I'm not exactly aiming for Steve Prefontaine - type condition, I just want to finish the darn race without looking like a total loser. Seriously, I have no illusions about the fact that I will NOT be getting what people would say "wow, that's a good time". I have a cousin who runs this darn race at a 6 minute mile pace (it's VERY hilly, so that's pretty insane), but I'd be lucky to keep a ten-minute mile going. Not kidding, I just want to finish. After that, get me a beer.

So I'm trying to up it every day, either going a longer distance or running longer and walking less. Anyone have any suggestions?

In preparation, I'm going to run the Nike+ Human Race 10k, which is going on in 25 cities all over the world, but NOT in Philadelphia, darn it. I have to go to New York to run it, but I can get there in an hour and a half by bus and then go back that evening. That's 6.2 miles, so if I'm doing 6.2 by August 31, I should be at 10 by September 27, right?

Anyway, I'll try and post my stats (whatever I can figure them out to be) on here every time I run. I can't afford new shoes, but my old ones are starting to give me blisters. I think I'm going to go down to the dance store and get some gel tape for my feet instead.

I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Yes, I know this.

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