Monday, August 4, 2008

TV-Free week, Day One - Update

I haven't DVR'ed anything, but I just noticed that it was exactly 10:00. So I turned ONE show on (Weeds) instead of DVR'ing it. Don't worry, I'm turning it off at exactly 10:30. I'm doing okay, but I noticed how LONELY this house is without a television on. It's a little sad, but I guess I have to get used to it.

So I had a date (sort of) with NoVA again (we'll call him that since he called himself that), and it went well. Well, he just stopped off at my place after he came back from visiting family for the weekend, but I'd consider it a date even though we didn't go anywhere, and I had fun doing the low-key thing. Anyway, lots of fun, and we watched one of my FAVORITE movies, Raising Arizona. If you've never seen it, um, shame on you. It's one of the funniest movies of all time, and it may be the redeeming factor in Nicholas Cage's career - the non-redeeming problem of said career being that he really only got any work because of his uncle. We got onto two conversations that were kind of intriguing, however.

First, what are THE top five movies you've ever seen? I had a hard time answering this one, and I was the one who asked it in the first place. I've thought about it and have come up with the following:
1. Singles
-Rings truer as I've gotten older. About dating in your 20's, how women are, how men are, and how none of it makes any sense.
2. The Outsiders
-I dated a guy once who I made a Ponyboy/Sodapop reference to and he didn't get it. It was serious minus cool points.
3. Love Actually
-I think I cry like a baby every time I watch it. There's one scene where Emma Thompson realizes that her husband has cheated on her when he gives her a Joni Mitchell CD for Christmas. She goes upstairs and "has a good cry" (as the British say) really quietly and I just lose it. And when Natalie screws up on the first day of work by saying the F-bomb twice in front of the Prime Minister? Yep, that would be how I stick my foot in my mouth.
4. Moulin Rouge
-Oprah once said that seeing it was like seeing The Wizard of Oz all over again for the first time. Moulin Rouge is so visually stunning, I could probably watch it on mute.
5. Gone With the Wind
-You can take the girl out of the South, but you can never take the fiesty-little-fashion-whore-who-likes-big-strong-southern-men-Scarlett-O'Hara out of the girl.

Then again, this list will probably change tomorrow.

We also talked about something I was first aware of when I was working in Atlanta. It's probably the only thing that has proved true in just about every city in which I've ever worked. Have you ever noticed this as well?

Rich people, almost without exception, always have a rooster in their kitchen.

I don't know where this comes from, but I went running today down one of my favorite streets in Philly, Delancey Street. Sometimes I glance over at the windows as I run by, and I happened to notice something in the kitchen, which was one room back from the homeowners' front room.

A big-ass rooster.

I literally stopped in my tracks, and I wasn't even sucking wind. Yet. Someone walked into the kitchen right then, looked right outside, and there's me, in my sports bra and those shorts that say UGA on the rear end. They probably now think that some former sorority girl is casing their house to rob at some point. I'm no criminal, but I have to guess that if I WERE to get into the burglary business, I would set up a ceramic rooster store as my fake-business-front.

I'd make a killing.


Mel said...

HA about the rooster!! I guess I haven't "made it" yet cause I don't have one...oh I know what to buy if I ever make it big!

Drena said...

I have a rooster, but I thought it was like a southern thing.

m said...

I was thinking about getting a rooster, but realized my cabinets go to the ceiling. Now I am pretty happy about that.