Thursday, August 21, 2008

So Lynchburg's out.


Long story ending with the fact that there's a _______________. (removed. Stay tuned.)



Mel said...

Um, huh....not sure where to go with that one...what are you looking for in a new city? I have been to lots :-)

Cara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cara said...

hahahahahahahaha ok I deleted it myself but that was bc kell got mad at my language. I stand by it, because you're MY family. And I stand by my family.
I love you.

Mollypants said...

Yeah, well I wouldn't have deleted your comment anyway. I don't censor my friends, you know that ;) As for the change to it, look at the Censorship Quote of the Day post. I wouldn't ever even edit myself just because someone didn't like it, it's more of a statement in its whole, especially since no one's name or specific relationship or last name was used specifically in anything I said. I could be talking about YOU for all we know, and you're just my sister from another mister ;)
And yes, you do stick up for me, that's why I love ya.