Monday, August 11, 2008

Jim Halpert, where have you been all my life?

I recently said that I had discovered that I hadn't laughed enough this past year. I have come to the conclusion that while I LOVE to laugh, I don't laugh unless I REALLY find something funny. If you're a dude, make me laugh enough that my sides hurt, and we may be headed to Vegas to get hitched.

Maybe I wasn't watching the office enough. I saw this commercial tonight and nearly peed my pants.


Mel said...

hmmm, that must mean you are watching NBC and the Olympics! Maybe it was on before their coverage. I saw it too and thought it was pretty hilarious....but I am watching the Olympics..wanted to see Phelps....and these announcers are hilarious and know NOTHING....every time they say a team doesn't have a chance, they win.

By the way...coming to Philly for work...for longer than a day this time :-)

m said...

The office is by far one of (Grey's being the other) best shows on tv. I have several seasons on dvd. Let me know if I need to send them!