Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm really really bored on Saturday night.

I got this from a blog that I read pretty regularly - 20 questions that you should ask yourself every week on Sunday. I don't know how long I'll do this, but I'll bite for now.

  1. What did I learn last week? – A few techniques on how to bite my tongue, how great those bra-strap headbands are for holding your hair back, and why I don't have to worry about criminals leaving my DNA at a crime scene after getting a blood transfusion from my donated blood.
  2. What was my greatest accomplishment over the past week? – I finished and boxed Caroline's portrait. I also went walking for at least 3 miles every day.
  3. Which moment from last week was the most memorable and why? – Sitting at the edge of the water on the beach in a chair, doing the New York Times Crossword. Most relaxed I've been in years.
  4. What’s the #1 thing I need to accomplish this week? – Get some income coming in.
  5. What can I do right now to make the week less stressful? – Clean the house.
  6. What have I struggled with in the past that might also affect the upcoming week? – The fact that I have no money.
  7. What was last week’s biggest time sink? – Watching TV.
  8. Am I carrying any excess baggage into the week that can be dropped? – Not really. I don't think I am, at least. Everything I have, I'm keeping.
  9. What have I been avoiding that needs to get done? – Cleaning the house.
  10. What opportunities are still on the table? – Ummm...nothing really professionally that I haven't accepted or declined already. In the boys department...I assume it's still on the table with the date from last week, but I manage to screw things up in unknown ways, so who knows.
  11. Is there anyone I’ve been meaning to talk to? – Beth. I can't come to her 30th Birthday and I need to call her and apologize even though I already replied via email.
  12. Is there anyone that deserves a big ‘Thank You’? – Melissa and her family.
  13. How can I help someone else this coming week? – I don't know. Anyone have any suggestions?
  14. What are my top 3 goals for the next 3 years? – This is entirely too much to contemplate at midnight. It's a whole other post.
  15. Have any of my recent actions moved me closer to my goals? – See above.
  16. What’s the next step for each goal? – See above.
  17. What am I looking forward to during the upcoming week? – Getting back to work. If we can work it out, hanging out with that date from last week again.
  18. What are my fears? – Overall? Trains, spiders, bees, drowning, being strangled, becoming a crazy lady with 10,000 cats, hating my next big decision.
  19. What am I most grateful for? – Xanax, Chardonnay and cocaine. Just kidding! Laughter.
  20. If I knew I only had one week to live, who would I spend my time with? – people who love me and have nice things to say, Colonel Mustard, David Beckham and Dolly Parton. Becks because, well, he's pretty to look at. Dolly because she is goal #101.

1 comment:

Drena said...

That's a fun list. I may steal. I bet this led you to your no TV week.