Thursday, August 14, 2008

AWESOME new trick...

I was stuck trying to figure out the mileage on my run the other day and realized that mapquest wasn't a very useful tool because it's almost TOO useful for drivers. If you're on foot, you can go the wrong way down a one-way street, you can cut through the park, you can run in an alley, you can do any number of things. So I thought "man, I wish they had WALKING directions!" So I plugged that into google and found out that Google maps actually DOES have walking directions.

I found out that they're good, but not good for if you WANT to go the long route. I started searching through more results and BAM...Google Pedometer. It's not actually run by Google, it's more of a "hack" (where someone takes an existing product, makes a few modifications and makes it useful for a different purpose), but it's awesome. Someone even put where you can track your calorie burn (not too accurate if you ask me since running and walking are different calorie burners) and there's a bunch of options you can play around with.

See my running route from yesterday here. I'm not running today, I have a nagging hamstring and I have a rest day coming my way anyway. You can make your own and post it or do whatever you want with it.

Here's what I'm doing for my longer run this weekend. You can also use Google Street View and take a tour around my neighborhood here.

1 comment:

m said...

I use It will also keep track of all your runs and times.