Tuesday, August 12, 2008

NBC SUCKS at covering the Olympics.

So I'm watching a bit of the Olympics, or at least parts of it. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in the coverage. Why?

1. They pump up the big ratings sports - swimming, gymnastics, diving, etc. So you tune in to watch the sport, only to find that they're running ten million little things like interviews with Michael Phelps' mom, maybe ten minutes of "filler" sports (which basically consists of showing the LAST performance of the gold medal winner, if they were a US athlete or a superstar in some way) and MAYBE five minutes of the thing you tuned in for to begin with! I just found out that the women's gymnastics isn't on until 10:30! And they've been pumping this up for "prime time coverage" for TWO days, according to my friend Kelly who is coming over to watch it - she's taking her time because it's not on for a while.

2. They cover all these asinine stories of the athletes but don't show their medal ceremonies. I'd be ticked off if I were the mother of some swimmer who won the gold medal whose last name WASN'T Phelps.

3. The only female sports they show are ones in which they wear skimpy outfits. Seriously, haven't seen one other sport. Maybe five minutes of soccer, but for the large part, its all gymnastics, swimming, water polo, diving, synchronized diving, and beach volleyball - no regular volleyball, mind you. NBC apparently thinks that if they show women's fencing, they'll lose that all-important segment of the target market that we call "perverts".

4. I realize that the Olympics are still making up for taking a huge loss in both Sydney and Athens as ticket sales and sponsorships STUNK there, (really, you could have WALKED into any event you wanted in Athens except swimming or beach volleyball. I was there, and I was really ticked that I had paid 250 Euros for a ticket I could have walked into for free), but I have literally seen commercial minutes to programming minutes at a ratio of 3:2. Yes, there's more commercials than actual programming.

5. Even the events I WANT to watch aren't complete. I'm a little cranky that I can't see the entire gymnastics competition, and I have to say - you know what? Those Australian, French, German and Ukranian girls work just as hard. They deserve some coverage too, even though they probably won't win a gold medal.

SO. I'm DVR'ing and then just fast forwarding. I'm already slightly breaking the boycott rules by having watched the opening ceremonies (which were, in fact, gorgeous), so I figure by doing this, I'm sticking one to the man.

Take that, man.


Mel said...

I agree on having to wait forever to see stuff and sometimes I don't realize it is even a medal round cause they cover one race..it is annoying...

and for the women...they had regular vollyball, equestrian, and weightlifting all weekend cause I was pissed I kept having to watch the clean and jerk when I wanted to see something interesting...not that you would have wanted to watch any of those, but the did have some non skimpy (or girls that looked like girls in the weightlifting) on this past weekend...I was going to complain about it but figured I have reached my quota of complaining on the blog for a while :-)

Unknown said...

I can't take it any more regarding the NBC abuse of their Olympics rights. So I started a public email protest here: http://n2.nabble.com/NBC-Olympics-Coverage-Is-Bad-f733736.html. This will be better than emails which they just ignore. If more people join me, then they will have to act. Please help spread the word.

Mollypants said...

While I agree that NBC's coverage is spotty, at best, the reality is that they paid hundreds of millions of dollars for the privilege to broadcast the Olympics. They've got to make that money back somehow. Since Olympic years are also Election years, NBC also has an obligation to run a certain number of ads for both sides in that arena as well. I actually noticed that with my DirectTV coverage, I can watch all the events I really would want to. But in reality, even China couldn't fill their stadiums - I wouldn't want to watch certain teams in certain sports either, there's only so much table tennis I can watch. With my four channels, I have enough, but this 10:30 start time is KICKING MY ASS!