Monday, May 26, 2008

Results: Procrastination Elimination Staycation

It's 11:40 and my long weekend is just about up. Productive? Sure. Did I get everything done? Jury is out. I wish I could have, but old habits die hard, my friend.

For anyone that cares (the status of my wardrobe shuffling and house-cleaning, while thrilling to me, is probably not breaking news in anyone else's world, I know), this is what got done:

1. Get my winter clothes downstairs in storage. - Done.
2. Put summer clothes upstairs. Sorta done. I'm deciding how much room I actually HAVE in this place for summer clothes. I miss my old closet.
3. Clean the kitchen, living room and bathroom - top to bottom. Done except for the bathroom. That's getting done tomorrow. I hope.
4. Assemble stretcher frames. Yeah right.
5. Write my assignment for the other website I write for - an essay on "I have never been more drunk than that night..." In the editing process.
6. Call my grandmother. Dammit! Tomorrow.
7. Get my friend April a baby gift - any suggestions? Done.
8. RSVP for April's shower (Ha! maybe it will bring may flowers? Kidding, she's due in late June) Ummmm...I already told her, does that count?
9. Clean out the fridge. Done.
10. Start cleaning out the studio. Cold Day in Hell, my friend. A Cold Day in Hell.
11. Get a list of stuff I'm going to sell before moving - anyone want a big-screen? TV, couch.
12. Find the $20 I got out of the ATM the other day. What money?
13. Do some SERIOUS work on this business plan I'm working on. I DID find my workbook from my New Venture Creation class in grad school. That's like halfway there.

Seriously, I thought I had gotten a lot done, but I think I only FINISHED like four of them.

Do I just take on too much? I dunno.

I am, and always will be...a work in progress.

Que Sera...

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