Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I have no idea what I'll do with a logo

But I thought I'd make one.


m said...

Everyone needs a logo. Looks good! Glad the Franzia helped. Think I am going to go get a glass of wine.

Terri said...

mmmm... wine... love wine... might have to take your lead, meghan... How's your toe, Molly? I get so pissed when I jam my toes.

Mollypants said...

it's broken! it's just the pinky, but there's nothing the doc can do about it so I'm not doing that whole ER copay thing. it's about eight different colors!
And thank you meghan, here I was thinking that I was having a glass of wine too early in the night, but since I'm not the only one...

Terri said...

Wow... well, I hope your toe feels better, chica! And just keep drinking the wine... that'll make it feel better!