Friday, May 23, 2008

I have just noticed...

That my 13-year-old sister is not only taller than me, she has bigger tatas than me.

I am officially the family shrimp.

On a side note, does anyone else remember this? When I was living in the sorority house (for all of five solid minutes), the smokers at the house next door (we'll say it was the house that did NOT catch on fire in the middle of the night, it was the other one) did not realize how their conversations carried. One of them was talking about how she was going to get liposuction that summer (it was her birthday present from her parents!) and another was lamenting the fact that she had no boobies and was considering implants. They then SERIOUSLY hatched a plan to approach the lipo girl's doctor and see if he could cut a deal where they put what he sucked out of her thighs into the boobless girl's chest. No, really, they thought it was possible.

That's all, I'm off to the dog park, I looooooove warm weather.

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