Saturday, May 24, 2008

It ain't easy being green with envy.

I am jealous.

Meghan's husband brought her a milkshake when she was sick.
Colonel Mustard has not brought me anything except for a sock he chewed.

This is not fair.


m said...

Sorry you are still feeling bad. I would suggest Advil ("to make you feel more human" - my doctor) and Mucinex for the congestion. This last time I forgot the Mucinex for several days and then once I started began feeling much better.

Yes, I did get pretty lucky with Matt!

Mel said...

Honestly, from your symptoms it sounds like what happens to me with allergies....they were bad a couple weeks ago in Albany and now they are sort of bad out here in CO....maybe that is it.

Mollypants said...

Probably is allergies. I had massive surgery on my sinuses and ears this fall, and as a result I almost never get sinus infections now (I was getting 6 a year before, with pneumonia twice a year), but it doesn't mean I'm not still allergic to all that pollen anyway - it just means I have symptoms on a smaller scale and not so much in the sinuses. It's weird, I'm SO glad I got the surgery, but it's a whole new ballgame if I get hit with allergies!