Sunday, May 25, 2008

Eliminating Procrastination...still 24ish hours left in this holiday weekend.

I'm still working on it. I took my friend Drena's advice and tackled the biggest task first.

Little did I know that many of the others required work at the same time. So it is with cleaning a house.

-Winter clothes are now in the basement. I hate my sweaters now.
-The Laundry Monster has been slain. This is bigger than you think.
-The kitchen, living room and downstairs are clean.
-The bedroom is in the process of being de-cluttered.

Other than that, I haven't really had any time to do any of the other tasks. Actually, I'm lying. I watched about ten episodes of Law & Order SVU. I downloaded and organized some tutorial stuff for Dreamweaver.

I still have 24 hours left in my holiday weekend. Let's pray for the best.

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