Friday, May 23, 2008

Art Feature - creative spark of the day.

I haven't had a lot of art postings lately, but I'm getting back to it.
My first step toward this is a daily "spark" to make you think creatively. Be it art, writing, music, whatever, hopefully it will get your mind going when you're staring at that blank canvas, paper or musical instrument. Even if you aren't an artist, it will help you think calmly and clearly throughout the day. I promise

Today's creative spark:

Pick a random picture from a magazine, flickr, or any other source. Don't look at any accompanying caption. Write down everything you see for five minutes. Write down everything about what you don't see for ten minutes. If there's people in the picture, who's taking the picture? What are the people thinking? What do they really want? How did they end up in this picture instead of another? If it doesn't have people in it, why not?

Pick your own, or I'll give you one to start.

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