the mom of the subject, hopefully she'll come by as soon as possible to pick it up, and more importantly, pay what's owed.
I also worked a lot more on Caroline's...I'm still working on it, but here's an update:
It's weird how much you actually DO have to see the subject in real life to get it right, or at least "good enough." I'm still working, there's a couple of things that I'm holding off until as late as possible since it's what's going to say "okay THAT's my kid." For now, though, it's progressing about like it should.
Finally, I've been working on this, which is based on a picture taken in 1972. One of my biggest problems has been that I left myself few options for properly composing it - I either am going to have to crop off part of the guy on the left or part of the guy on the right, and most likely, parts of both. Kind of a bad thing composition-wise - to have to crop out elements on the left AND right - but I suppose I can manipulate it a little better once I get it on a bigger drawing board or just on a bigger surface.
I'm still working on this one too - the third guy from the left's head is too small, the guy on the right isn't looking how I want him to look, and the child is barely even sketched in. I've got a lot of work to do. I'm not commissioned on this one, it was started during a class I took a while back, then I decided to go a different direction.
I've got some more posting to do today on the art stuff, so stay tuned...
It does look like her!!! I love it!
so... if I wanted to pay you to do a portrait of Jackson, you'd need to meet him in person? Just curious.
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