Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Setting up a blog is HARD.

I worked on this blog thing most of today. Make no mistake - it's hard work.

Especially for someone like me - I own a Mac almost purely because I know very little about computers. I don't know code, I don't know how to create a webpage (which is why lies parked at, and I don't know how to create any sort of interesting "stuff", apparently.

I know how to Paint.
I know how to Draw.
I know how to Write.

I can also take a look at your insurance policy and tell you what may be wrong with it, but that's a skill I prefer to sock away in my past life.
But I can not navigate this stuff without a significant learning curve. I'm getting better at it, and if ANYONE has any suggestions (this means you, Mark), give me a holler.

Despite my naivete, I did manage to:

1. Enable Digg! This can be great or horrible. Your content is at the mercy of the Digg community.
2. Upload the photo of Colonel Mustard. His face describes it all.
3. Open and load Google AdSense. I'm horribly tempted to click on the ads - some of them, simply because I'm interested in what they are. But my terms say I can't do that. I'd rather not tempt fate at this point. But if you see this, please, click on stuff to the right of this text. The more you do, the more they make this stuff easy for people like me.
4. Enable FeedBurner to work with my blog. I don't quite know what this does exactly, but I was told to do it by a friend
5. Rearrange my template to fit the elements a little better.
6. Ask the peeps on myspace to request a link to this. I'm asking them to send me a message for it right now, but will probably post something at a later time. I'm kind of trying to figure out who exactly is reading that thing.

I am still trying to:
-create a masthead
-figure out how to upload my artwork in an aesthetically pleasing way.
-get rid of this toothache.
-figure out how to make the text stretch a little wider. I don't know though - my screen is a widescreen, so it may be dumb to do this.
-get this thing loaded with content so I feel comfortable getting it publicized. This involves me just sitting down and WRITING.
-get rid of this darn cat. He has a name now. Ugly Cat.
-load a link for April's Kittycat fund. While she enjoys haunting me through cats, she DID say that her dad would probably take Ugly Cat.
-figure out what else I can do for free with this thing.

Stay Tuned.

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