Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Pennsylvania Primary. Madness.

The Pennsylvania Primary was today. I voted. For Hillary.
Yes, I changed my party affiliation to Democrat (PA is a closed-primary state)...for a couple reasons.

1. John McCain was the obvious and at this point, uncontested Republican Nominee. That's assured.

2. I wanted to vote in a Primary. Never done it before.

3. In Pennsylvania, a heavily blue state, you are far more likely to have your vote heard (statistically at least) by voting in the Democratic Primary. The Republican party places a RINO (runs-in-name-only) candidate in the Philly mayor's race not because they ever dream they can win, but so they can test campaign managers and workers to see how they can maximize funding.

4. I considered picking whichever candidate would have a better chance of losing against the Republican party. But honestly, I want it to be a GOOD race. One in which I'd have the hardest time picking that lever in November. Since Hillary has an honest-to-God, workable plan to insure every American, I want her to at least have the chance to present it.

5. Obama is an admirable man, I know. But I haven't heard anything that makes me say "I think you can do it". Yes, I'm reminded of JFK when I hear him speak. He's got great oratory skills. But - and I hate to speak ill of the dead - had he not been assassinated and followed by the resignation of Nixon, John F Kennedy might very well have gone down as one of the worst presidents in history. He got us into the Cuban Missile Crisis and led us right up to Vietnam. I don't know if I trust the song-and-dance when I don't see the substance.

So I voted for Hillary. And she won, by 10 percentage points. It's going to be interesting.

I never thought I'd ever say that - I'm a conservative by nature, I want the government out of my life and I hate when I feel like a party or candidate implies that they "know better" than me about how my life should be run. I'm actually more of a Libertarian than a Republican.

That being said, John McCain - this is for you. I am not a sure vote. You need to show me - no matter who your opponent may be - that you want it. Tell me about what YOU'RE going to change. I'm not in the mood for another eight years of defending the party for which I voted and still believe in. I need you to show me what you are going to do that's NOT going to be a repeat of what we've had. I've sent a boyfriend to Iraq and lost him - I'm sure you know, while he came back, HE didn't come back - not the one I knew. I've on the edge of being uninsured and am paying a TON of money for COBRA coverage that ends when whoever wins is sworn in. Worse, six million children - who didn't ask to be born into this - are currently without health care coverage in the nation which can afford it better than anyone else. I need to know what you think, and more importantly, what you'll do. I'm not a sure vote for anyone.

Just so you know.

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