Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Since I'm moving SOMEWHERE in the South, and because I have to be out of THIS place by October 15, I've been packing for the past few days. You'd think with all the moves I've had, I might have a system by now. Nope. I'm already at the point where I'm just throwing stuff in boxes with no real regard for any system of organization. C'est la vie.

Kate and I are leaving to go to Charlotte on Sunday to go check out some places. I'm struck by how CHEAP it is back down South - it's going to cost LESS than half of what it was costing me here for rent. Granted, I've got to have a car again, but given the fact that I don't really like driving and I walk/bike wherever possible already, I'm not too terribly sad about it. I'm debating whether I'm going to sell my current gas guzzler and get something different or just keep using that one. It's good to have a big car when you need it, so who knows. We're excited about at least going down to check it out, though, regardless of what city we move to. Hopefully we'll be able to get up with Meghan and my friends Courtney and Martha from high school.

It's kind of sad to leave this place but BOY am I ready to get out of Philly. I didn't realize til recently that I was kind of staying in Philly just because I didn't want to go to Lynchburg. Not that Lynchburg's awful, mind you, far from it - but I really want to live in some sort of excitement, and for all that it's tried, Lynchburg doesn't exactly have excitement to spare.

Back to packing!

1 comment:

m said...

How long will you be in town? We have block party on Sunday, but let me know, maybe we can meet up sometime Monday or Tuesday.