Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bristolgate! Oh the HUMANITY!

I've been watching this Bristolgate situation on TV for quite a while (we all know that news outlets haven't covered the same story for 24 hours straight since 9/11) and to be honest, I'm tired of it. What's Bristolgate? My own personal term for the "scandal" that is Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol. More specifically, the fact that she got knocked up. Five months ago.

My opinion on it? Yes, you're going to get it, because it's my blog.

I feel bad for the kids. All of Palin's kids, and her due-in-four-months grandchild. They didn't ask for any of this attention, and they're under significant scrutiny that none of us have ever had to experience. Bristol may have made some decisions that aren't in her own best interest, but she's decided to address the issue and make the best of it. Her mother, who didn't ask that her daughter get knocked up, is doing the same. Now the media is indirectly and directly criticizing Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, and even John McCain for a litany of reasons. Frankly, it's not anything NEW in this world. It's not new to this generation, it's not new to this country, and it's not new to the news media.

Here's what I have a problem with. First of all, John McCain shouldn't even be brought into this conversation. Some are saying that he didn't investigate Palin enough, that he was unaware of the situation when he nominated Palin.

Seriously, listen to yourselves - you're telling me the REPUBLICAN PARTY - who basically invented political spying - didn't dig deep enough into a candidate's personal life? Please. They knew. They probably know what brand of underwear was tossed on the floor on the prom night in which Bristol got into this situation. Why didn't McCain release this information when he nominated Palin? Well, I'd imagine it's because the last menstrual period of Bristol Palin was simply not germane to the conversation when he announced her mother as his running mate. I would frankly be more upset if McCain decided that he should disclose this situation to the media instead of Palin.

Second, I have a problem with the raising eyebrows that imply that Palin's home situation has anything to do with the performance she may give as the Vice President of the United States. I know it sounds a little - gasp...Feminist - of me to note, but I dare say that if Sarah Palin's husband were the VP, this would not have been such a big story. When John Edwards - a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE - acknowledged he had an extramarital affair, it was barely a flash in the pan on the national radar. I think US Weekly covered it more than the Today show. When Al Gore's son was caught drunk-driving, we laughed about it. I dare say that if Gore's son were to get a girl pregnant, it wouldn't have even crossed the news media's minds to harp on the story for 24 straight hours. Yet Sarah Palin's daughter does what lots of kids do every Friday and Saturday night, and people question her ability to parent and lead a country. Tell me, do you even know Cheney's or Gore's daughters names? I don't either. That's my point. Palin's kids shouldn't even be of our concern, and to suggest otherwise is both sexist and insulting.

Yes, it is interesting to note that Sarah Palin is an advocate of abstinence-only sex education in schools. But Bristol looks like a smart cookie, and something tells me that even if she didn't get that education in school, she got it somewhere. She knew that 75 cents of latex is a fantastic investment. Did she choose to heed this advice? I don't know. I wasn't there. The reality is that kids - of all political persuasions - are interested in the opposite sex. A lot of us were having sex at the age of 17, and all of us, no matter what our age or marital status, engage in such activities knowing full well that there is a chance that we can get pregnant. Condoms fail, pills might be ineffective, and even sterilization isn't completely 100%. Unplanned pregnancy happens at all ages and in all types of situations. Even when married, it's tough to deal with, and for us to judge is unfair. I shudder to think what would have happened if she had chosen to end the pregnancy, as Bristol might have been subject to even harsher scrutiny. I'm vehemently pro-choice and while I can't imagine what would have happened if I were in that situation at 17, I think that everyone involved made the decision that was best for themselves.

So really, back off this kid. Even Obama said so.


Mel said...

I agree that it is stupid to harp on this but I think that one of the reasons is because the Republican party tends to be more conservative and that makes it more shocking. No one would think twice about a democrat doing it because they are supposed to do crazy stuff and aren't supposed to be the more moral of the two parties. I really think that it why they are making a big deal out of it...plus anything at this point will be made into a big deal with 8 weeks until election...makes me glad I don't watch the news :-)

m said...

It is the hypocrisy that gets me. Today I actually had a liberal, feminist friend of mine tell me that it makes her sick that Palin is subjecting her child to this nationwide attention and she should have declined the bid and stayed home to help her family through this time.

I was in shock, PALIN should stay home??? For what? Her daughter is already pregnant by her boyfriend of a year who she plans to marry. Staying home is not going to change that and it sounds like a good plan to me if they love each other. To help take care of the baby that will be here in four months??? Bristol is probably pretty good at changing diapers and it is her responsibility not her mother's to take care of her child.

This convo was around 6:45 this morning and I am stiff irate...

Mel said...

Yeah, like i said, I think that it is being made into a big deal because it is the conservative party. Being a good parent is teaching your children what could happen to them if they aren't careful and to teach them to be careful....they still make their own decisions and the parents shouldn't have to suffer because of it or be critized as being a bad parent. Plus, it is an election year..they will talk about everything too much. The Today Show actually did a good job of saying that Palin was handling it well and they should be left alone.

Sarah Caravel said...

Hmmm... I lost interest in the fact Palin's daughter was pregnant about 30 seconds after I heard, mainly because it's irrelevant. The only thing that gets me is the "do the right thing" mentality- since you're knocked up, you're obviously going to get married, right? Oh, lookie- now they're engaged! Get it done quickly and quietly, before the baby comes. Marriage shouldn't be a quick fix for an adorable mistake, but it's a very 1970s, conservative Christian way of thinking.

Obviously Palin explained the pregnancy when she was vetted. I haven't heard a single media source question that since McCain went and set the record straight. They already knew how they would spin it-- as heroic, as Bristol could have had an abortion, but just like her mother, she chooses life. Isn't that noble?

When people say she wasn't vetted enough, they're referring more to the whole state trooper/librarian power abusing topics.

John Edwards didn't acknowledge he had an extramarital affair until after he was out of the running, when he was no longer news. If we found out earlier, his run would have ended sooner. He came clean and went into hiding. If Gore's son were in highschool and got a girl pregnant while Gore was running for president, it would be just as big of a deal as "Bristolgate," only Gore's son wouldn't get half the sympathy Bristol has, and Gore's parenting abilities would be called into question, since he's a man and nothing is off-limits; he would be labeled as a distant and failed father who can't even control his own family, so how should he be qualified to control the country? The Gore Boys obviously do not respect women! Isn't Cheney's daughter named Mary, and isn't she a lesbian? And the news media tried their damndest to get the goods on her, but Mary kept her mouth shut and her head low for the sake of re-election.

While Bristol shouldn't come into play, Palin's special needs baby is not off limits. Down syndrome babies need extra care and often require multiple surgeries in their first years of life. Isn't it reverse-sexism to assume that her husband should be responsible for the family while she's out campaigning? When Palin's out proclaiming to the world what a good soccer mom she is, who do you think is sitting on the bus, taking care of a handicapped baby? Bristol! Pennance is a bitch.
Palin shouldn't be off limits just because she's a woman. She made a choice- she chose to have that baby. She knew the extra toll, cost and attention Trig would need before she ever had him. She's now depending on other people to raise him. So which is it? Country first? God first? Family first? Life is about priorities. No one can put everything first, not even Palin.

Drena said...

I think it is only a big deal because Sarah is such a big conservative. I think too if Gore's son had gotten the DUI during his campaign or if Edwards sex scandal came out during their campaigns it would have been just as big of a deal. I wouldn't have not picked her because she has a pregnant daughter even though that probably irritates a lot of the religious base...I would have not picked her because she is inexperienced when compared to other republican women that are senators that could have been selected if he wanted to pick a woman to capture the Hilary vote. (Obama is inexperienced too before you crazies start jumping down my throat!! He is still more qualified than she is) I think it will be a rare find for a Hilary supporter to vote for Sarah since they are very different. He probably should have selected a more moderate woman if he actually wanted a shot at that audience.