Saturday, September 13, 2008

Random updates...

Couple of randoms:
1. I'm in Lynchburg.
2. I'm going to my class reunion in about 2 hours. This will be interesting.
3. My cousin Kate is going with me because she came with me to Lynchburg. My classmates are probably going to think I am a lesbian. For the record, I am straight.
4. I will be very drunk tonight. If you get a call from me, I apologize.
5. So that it doesn't look like we're just bringing whoever wants to go to a party, Kate is going to have to be my ex-boyfriend's "date". This is funny.
6. There's a bet right now for $100 that I will WIN. I will let you know if I follow through.
7. Lynchburg is effing crazy.


1 comment:

Drena said...

judging by your facebook comment today I am thinking you had a good time!