Thursday, June 26, 2008

Yeah, he might not ever call me again now.

I'm one disaster after another these days. Just a barrel of embarrassment.

I went to Charlotte Tuesday so I could fly home to Philly. I stayed with Meghan last night, and we had a few adult beverages while discussing many many girl topics. As we prepared to retire, I got a text message from the ever-hilarious Maverick, who was out in Dallas celebrating the fact that he is on the summertime tax lawyer schedule, which basically entails drinking massive amounts of alcohol.

Incoming message from Mav:
"Molly I've found the woman of my dreams in the bar"

Maverick, as you all know, is not a person to find the woman of his dreams at all, let alone in a bar. He's quite possibly the biggest player the world has ever seen, and will likely be the George Clooney of tax lawyering - he'll be the eternal bachelor. I laugh, because he says this every so often purely as a joke. I hit "reply", giving him my standard reply of:

"yeah, you suck, I know your story."

I then wonder for a while why he doesn't respond to me. He's usually good for a couple of jabs. An hour passes and I think that maybe he HAS found the woman of his dreams. I go to sleep, forgetting about the whole matter. When I wake up this morning, I checked my phone and notice that he still hasn't texted me back. I wonder if my reply even sent, so I check my outgoing messages.

And then I see it.

In my slightly-tipsy state, I accidentally hit "compose" instead of "reply". As Blackberry remembers your last phone call's recipient, it automatically selected THEM instead of Maverick to receive my text message. I obviously didn't pay attention and sent it to the wrong person.

Remember how I said that I'd inevitably screw it up with the guy that Meghan set me up with? Yep, that was the recipient. I fired off an apology immediately, which he kind of laughed off, but who knows...

He may already think I'm crazy.

1 comment:

Drena said...

Since I got a screaming phone call from you guys last night, I'm not really surprised that you didn't know who you were texting!! Sounds like you guys had lots of fun. Nonpregnant bitches.