Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm tired and filling out a survey.

I'm still recovering from a nice little partied-til-5-am hangover, so I'm not going to do anything except this mindless little survey that I stole from my friend Ryan.

-[ ZERO]
Who was your last text from?
-- Meghan and Matt's friend Eric. Regarding his coming to Lynchburg tomorrow. (Cue the "WHAT?!?! Why haven't you told me yet, Molly?!?"...I'm hung over, I literally haven't gone downstairs all day since I got home at 5:30 am, sorry! Call me if you want to have an update ;)

-[ ONE] Where was your profile pic taken ?
-- My profile picture was taken at a place called the Music Farm in Charleston, SC. My brother was a bartender there and when I visited, somehow I ended up behind the bar hanging out, probably to keep me away from boys. The little thing written on the wall says "must be this tall to ride" and I thought it was really funny.

-[ TWO ] What' s your middle name?
-- Epes.

-[ THREE] what are you doing tomorrow?
-- cleaning my dad's house up, then giving the tour of LynchVegas, then probably meeting a few friends at the local bar for beers and shuffleboard, then to the legendary T-Room for a cheesy western all the way, bowl all the way and a hot walking, and a glass of the James to wash it down. By Tuesday morning, another person in this world will be thrilled to know what all that means.

-[ FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?
-- My cousin Laura when I was 24, my friend Sarah when I was 22.

-[ FIVE] What is your current mood?
-- A little hungover, a little heartburny, but excited about playing tour guide.

-[ SIX] What are one of your best friends' names?
-- Last night, it was Bud Light and Jack Daniels. Today, it's my bed. Ok really? The term "best friend" kinda gets on my nerves. It's very "the Hills", because that chick has like 20 best friends. I have good friends. I choose not to rank them. But if I had to call ONE person to help me move a body, it'd probably be Kate.

-[ SEVEN ] What' s your favorite color(S)?
-- My job involves picking color. I can not be bound to one favorite.

-[EIGHT] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
-- I've often debated that, but I wouldn't be who I am today without having gone through what I did. And I'm so freaking cool, it's not even funny. So probably not.

-[NINE] Have a crazy side?
-- A more appropriate question might be whether or not I have a sane side.

-[TEN] Ever had a near death experience?
-- The one that comes to mind was when I was caught in a blizzard in Boston's Beacon Hill after class and I just had stupid high heels on. I had to walk forever to the T and I thought I wouldn't make it and I would sit down and just freeze to death. Then the only cab I've ever seen in a snowstorm in Boston pulled up.

-[ELEVEN] Something you do alot?
-- Stick my proverbial foot in my mouth.

-[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?
-- kind of. A friend of mine who seems to lose his temper way too often.

-[THIRTEEN] What's stopping you from going to the person you like-(♥)?
-- My hangover is stopping me from just about everything right now.

-[FOURTEEN] When is the last time you cried?
-- Last night, see question 12.

-[FIFTEEN] Who would you do anything for?
-- A lot of people. I'm a very helpful person to my friends from what I hear.

-[SIXTEEN] Why did your last relationship end?
-- Officially, because he dumped me. But considering the fact that he had cheated on me repeatedly and the way he treated me like complete crap, it should have ended far earlier.

-[SEVENTEEN]How old are you?
-- 28.

-[EIGHTEEN]When was the last time someone gave you flowers?
-- Never. I have never had a boyfriend send them to me. I have the world's biggest collection of unromantic boyfriends. I guess it's not a big deal, but DUDE. How is it that I'm TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD and that's never happened?

-[NINETEEN] What kind of phone do you have?
-- Blackberry Curve. I really want an iPhone. I'm very jealous of Meghan's.

-[TWENTY]Who do you trust most?
-- myself.

-[TWENTY-ONE] Do you still watch kiddy movies/shows?
-- not really.

-[TWENTY TWO]Last person you kissed initials were?
-- PD. My friends who know will be super disappointed in me. Won't happen again, ever, so it's been a while.

-[TWENTY- THREE ] Do you speak any other languages?
-- Pig Latin.

-[TWENTY- FOUR] How long have you known your best friend?
-- Since she was born. I was 3.

-[TWENTY- FIVE] Describe your life in one word?
-- Insane.

-[TWENTY- SIX] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
-- I haven't even gotten flowers, what makes you think that said boyfriends would have ever done something that "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?

-[TWENTY- SEVEN ] What are you thinking about right now?
-- Where I can go to get ice cream or a milkshake.

-[TWENTY- EIGHT ] What should you be doing right now?

-[TWENTY- NINE] What is your favorite memory?
-- There's a few...Watching the sun come up over the Parthenon after celebrating with a gold-medalist during the Olympics in 2004 was pretty amazing. Seeing Michelangelo's David. The Cinque Terre. Graduating from graduate school. But then there's the little stuff - late nights of beers in the pizza place I worked in when I was 23. Eating at the T-Room at 3 am. Tailgating at Georgia games. Sitting on rocking chairs with Mav at my house in college.

-[THIRTY] What are you listening to?
-- Ice Truckers on the history channel

-[THIRTY- ONE] Who was the last person you told I love you to?
-- I have no idea, but I remember saying it the other day to a friend of mine, I just don't remember WHO. I was drunk.

-[THIRTY- TWO] Who was the last person who yelled at you?
-- See question 12.

-[THIRTY- THREE ] Do you act differently around the person you like?
-- I literally can not shut up if I'm around a guy I like.

-[THIRTY- FOUR] What is your natural hair color?
-- Blonde. I about smacked the crap out of a doubter the other day.

-[THIRTY- FIVE] Who was the last person to make you smile?
-- Hmmm....probably Eric, the guy who's coming to take the LynchVegas tour. He went to see a Journey cover band and told me about it and it made me laugh.

1 comment:

Drena said...

journey rocks. This hangover thing seems to be a weekend event for you. Every Sunday when I log in to Facebook your usually comments are that you are never drinking again!! Only sober, boring pregnant people can remember other people's fun comments.