Friday, December 26, 2008

All in a weekend's time.

So here's my to-do list this weekend. It's en-or-mous. I seem to remember this working (relatively) well over memorial day weekend, so here you go. Yell at me if I don't get it all done.

1. Ship painting out to buyer.
2. Deposit check from said buyer
3. Ship business textbook out that I sold on Amazon.
4. Decide what the heck to prime on the linen canvas I just bought and just do it.
5. Draw saved sketch on said painting.
6. Finish the painting on my easel right now.
7. Get painting on loan over to Court & Marf's house.
8. Straighten bookshelves in studio (baby steps, y'all. Baby steps.)
9. Dole out Christmas goodies and begin to take them to the people that will receive them.
10. Water the Christmas tree so it doesn't dry out before Dan gets here.
11. Varnish the big painting.
12. Buy some sort of bedspread - cheap.
13. Wrap up last Christmas present.
14. Write my sister/ex-stepmother a thank-you note/Christmas card.
15. Write down the return addresses from the Christmas cards I got.
16. Write my grandmother a thank-you note for the past year.
17. Send my stepdad a check for shipping something for me last week.
18. Find some cheap pants to wear to the corporate job (nothing fits, darn it)
19. Clean up the laundry insanity outside my room.
20. Get ski clothes out of storage shed and figure out what I need to buy for skiing over New Years.
21. Figure out what needs to be shipped from Ebay.
22. Resist the urge to open the gift for me in Kate's room. (More on that later)
23. Vacuum the whole house.
24. Research what the heck to do on New Years Eve if we don't have a party.
25. Plan what to serve if we DO have a party and invite people.
26. Change sheets on my bed.
27. Get the trash organized on the back porch.
28. Prime plywood panels on back porch.
29. Respond to my editor with exactly what's holding me up and what I need in specific, tangible terms.
30. Book dentist appointment.
31. Inventory canvas ready to go and plan what to do with them.
32. Inventory half-finished paintings and either chart a course of action, scrap them or paint over them.
33. Decide whether or not I will be able to attend and/or be a bridesmaid in my friend Kelly's wedding.
34. Farecast ticket to my friend Mary's wedding.
35. Start sorting through 2008 receipts and find out who to talk with for free tax advice.
36. Sort through sketches, pitch the trash and keep the good/decent stuff.
37. Print out and fill out NC business paperwork.
38. Put the Christmas stuff we didn't use in the storage shed.
39. Make a plan of how to pay to fix my transmission. Doorbuster savings on original art, y'all!
40. Clean trash out of every room in the house.

I better stop there. I'm already exhausted.

1 comment:

m said...

If you want you could add figure out which painting(s) to loan Matt and Meghan...