Thursday, December 25, 2008

All I want for Christmas - updated

Yeah, I know. What a good-looking present. That thing's worth its weight in gold, however.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, it's certainly a nice one here as it's about 75 degrees and almost blindingly sunny in Charlotte. On Monday, I was almost positive we'd have a White Christmas - the sky was a lovely dove grey and it was SUPER cold. My knee even hurt, which is usually more accurate than the weatherman. But here I am in an almost tropical Christmas. I'd lay out if my pale skin didn't blind the neighbors.

What have I done for Christmas? Well, I spent it with Colonel Mustard, Kate's dog Bambi, a nice big supply of Thera-Flu and a broken transmission. I was already halfway iffy on going home since I have to work tomorrow at my new temp job (more on that later), and this week, I started noticing my transmission wasn't behaving like it normally does. Lo and behold, when it rains, it pours. Transmission's shot. Going to cost almost $3,000 to fix, which, of course, I don't have laying around. I'm working for the next two months in this job, but between that and rent, I'm still going to be pretty strapped. So much for using my Christmas money for things I actually want, or hell, need. Oh well.

However, don't cry for me, Argentina. I have not had a depressing Christmas in the least. I got up at 11 am, cleaned the house, finished wrapping my gift for the Green Giant (he gets here on the 28th), organized my bathroom and worked on some artwork, which has taken somewhat of a backseat these past few weeks because of the temp job that exhausts me. I was going to go to Meghan's last night and possibly this afternoon, but I haven't been feeling well and am trying to stave off what I hope is not the flu. I feel a bit better than I did yesterday, but I needed the rest.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Yuck, sorry you are sick but I hope you feel better soon!!