Thursday, January 22, 2009

My loony bun is fine Benny Lava

I know. I found this on the internet and seriously could not stop laughing. Especially because there's one specific line that seems to reference Drena's life right now. Or at least one specific post.
See if you can find what I'm talkin' bout, Willis.
A word of explanation - it's obviously a Indian music video, and some kid came along and typed out what the song is in English. Yes, I realize that India speaks English, but they have other languages as well, one of which is this song's language.


Carrie Davis said...

OMG, where did you find this? Hilarious.

m said...

That was pretty funny, I keep looking for the line thinking I had heard it (pee on them) and then the poop on them Oliver. Maybe that could be his new theme song.

Mollypants said...

Carrie: I found it through stumbleupon, but after dating two men in the military, I've found that they are quite possibly the world's greatest resources for youtube videos. All that time spent on deployment downtime makes them find this stuff. I showed it to Dan and he was like "oh yeah I saw that years ago"...and here I was thinking I was all special for finding it.
Yes meghan, you got it right, I believe the line is "why don't you poop on them Oliver"...I think I did a triple take when I saw that.