Thursday, January 15, 2009

Can I just say...

That I really really really really really really miss my art job?

I have been taking 3-4 hours of work home with me every night this week and am working at home through Monday for a deadline on the 21st. I haven't even opened my studio door. I was packing to go to Baltimore this weekend for a wedding and I found some paint stuff and almost cried.

And I still don't know if I'll be offered a job.

Picture today is of my friend and I in 2005. She's getting married this weekend to a really really sweet guy. Funny story...we went to a bar in Dewey Beach, Delaware that summer just about every night, and she and her sister were staying at their parents' beach house in nearby Bethany. Her sister stayed sober to drive them home (about 12 miles away or so), but my friend did NOT stay so sober. Bud Light was handing out this random stuff, and one thing they gave her was a blue light-up necklace. She's had a few beers when her sister is driving them home, and she takes off the necklace and starts swinging it around. A cop drives by, sees this flashing blue light, and thinks that someone's trying to impersonate the police. Her sister gets pulled over, and while she is completely okay because she's sober, she had to explain why, exactly, there was a blue light twirling in her car. Because she has a drunk sister.

That girl's a party, and that's why we love her.

PS - can someone punch me if I ever get that obnoxiously tan and/or wear my hair like that again? Ugh.

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