Monday, January 12, 2009

My last birthday bar-crawl of my 20's...and a little karma to spread.

It was quite the crime scene this weekend, I celebrated my 29th birthday in a bit of a showdown. I went out with my friends Courtney and Martha on Saturday night, got way too tipsy for my own good, then laid on the couch all day and finally collected myself enough to go celebrate with Matt and Meghan and my favorite people in Charlotte who are shorter than me, Caroline and Owen. Good dinner of lasagna, I could have eaten a thousand of the chocolate chip cookies.

I had a long day at work and will be back to it tomorrow all over again (with a work-from-home project tonight in between) so I'll keep this short. Since I just got done with my bills and came out in the black (barely), I also felt like putting out some good karma into the world via the MS walk in Lynchburg. A girl who I went to high school with was diagnosed with MS in the past few years, and she's taken to doing a fine job of getting the word out there. She's just our age, and though I didn't know her all that well in high school, she always seemed to be a cheerful, optimistic person, and seems to continue that way now while living with this painful disease. I know if I were in her situation, I certainly would have thought at least once "dude, this is totally not fair. This is just BS." Go to her website here to read about her, and if you can spare a few bucks (even I can, and I'm broke), help her reach her goal for her team in the MS Walk. It'll make you feel better about your day.


Carrie Davis said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Lora Lee & Lora Kate's Blog said...

You look so pretty in that picture!!! :-) Happy birthday!