Thursday, November 6, 2008

An open letter to our next president:

Dear President-Elect Obama:

Congratulations. Hope your hangover has worn off.

On to more pressing issues. Namely, the fact that I went to CVS the other day and discovered that my COBRA coverage had ran out on my medical and dental insurance. As I'm fairly healthy, this wouldn't be TOO terrible - I can get my prescriptions for $150 a month and I can go to Planned Parenthood for the lady-parts stuff.

BUT MY TEETH ARE KILLING ME. It's 2:13 am, I have not been able to eat, sleep or think for the past 96 hours because it feels like someone is REPEATEDLY STABBING ME IN THE MOUTH.

I can not afford to go to the dentist or deal with the inevitable extraction, root canal or other medieval torture plot that the evil man has in store for me.

I'm sorry I didn't vote for you, Obama, but I don't think I could have - my lack of dental insurance would have prevented me from getting to my polling place anyway as I have been in too much pain. Do something about my teeth and you've got my next vote - anyone?


jayandcourtney said...

Change is coming to your dental plan. well, i mean, if you had one currently. :)

Mel said...

Please go to the will only get more expensive! Plus, you can just do what most people do without insurance, don't pay the bill.

Seriously though, you should will only get worse and you will end up paying more in the long dad had to get a lot of work done and he didn't have insurance and we set up a payment plan with the dentist...of course they were a family friend but it is worth a shot.

Mollypants said...

I actually think it's a Sinus thing now...I'm getting one of those awful sinus headaches that you can feel on your ENTIRE head, not just your forehead area. A friend of mine is a nurse at an ENT and said that tooth and jaw pain is a huge sign of sinus pressure, and it seems to feel better when I lie on my left side. I promise, if it's not any better with the sinus irrigation, I'm going to try an antibiotic. If that doesn't work, I'm going to the dentist - Dan gets back next week and I am NOT going to be in pain when he's here!

Mel said...

Yeah, I have heard that about your sinuses but mine don't ever bother me...just make sure you take care of yourself!!!

Drena said...

you could just pull out all of your teeth at home. May make dating and eating harder, but it would solve the dental problem! :)

m said...

Please go see my dentist. He is a really nice guy. Fairly young, twin boys right around Owen's age. You would like him.

Also, please do not run on any medical bills. They zing your credit almost as much as student loans.