Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Alitalia needs to get back to work, Antibiotic nausea kicks my butt and Hugh Grant dances.

So most of you know I've been seeing this guy...we'll call him...Jolly Green Giant. Because he's jolly and very tall. I don't know, that just came to me. Anyway. The Jolly Green Giant has been in Rome for about two weeks on business (I know, I'm horribly jealous of him), and he's scheduled to come back on Friday and fly to Charlotte on Saturday. He can work from anywhere when he's not on assignment, so luckily he's staying til thanksgiving, when we go to his house in Florida. I'm very excited, but something is beginning to worry me...

The darn striking Italians.

Green Giant's airline, Alitalia, is on strike. Hundreds of flights have been cancelled over the past 2 days. It's now Wednesday, and very close, obviously. So I'm following the news VERY darn Italians better get back to work. Yet another reason I hate unions.

I didn't ever end up going to the doctor but I figured out that it was a sinus infection and not a dental problem. Don't get me wrong, I've got some rotten teeth, and I'm going to call the dentist soon, but this is not a dental thing. I had pain all over my head, even on my neck, but my teeth felt like they were being pushed down. I had a sinus cyst on the other side of my face a while back, and this felt exactly the same. So I debated going to the doc-in-the-box for a while, and then started going through my massive chest of medicine I've collected over the years. I knew I didn't have a Z-pack or anything lying around, but while looking for some sinus decongestant, I found....

An Antibiotic!

Yeah, I found a ten-day supply of Doxycycline laying around. Yay! Why in the world would I have this laying around? It took me a while to remember, actually - I had it left over from when I had bronchitis a while back. I had forgotten to fill the prescription when I left the doctor's office (he had given me samples in addition to my written prescription) and I filled it one random day when I thought it was for something else. Good thing I did it, though, because after a quick consultation with my primary source for medical advice - WebMD - I found that Doxycycline is, in fact, prescribed for sinusitis often.

I started taking the Doxy yesterday, and I DO feel better - not pain free, but I can sleep and eat without overwhelming pain. I actually made it to sleep without the aid of a painkiller last night, and I felt much better today. However, there is something I neglected to remember about it - you MUST take it on a full stomach. Tonight, when I took my second dose of the day, I got sidetracked by work and didn't eat when I took it. Sure enough, thirty minutes later, I thought I was going to puke. Ten minutes later, I was racing - and I mean RACING - for the toilet. Threw up for a good ten minutes. I HATE throwing up. Haaaaaaaaaaattte it. I'd be a bad bulimic. So, lesson learned - eat something before you take your medicine, Molly.

In better news, though - I AM insured! Not only can I go to the doctor (and the dentist!), I can get reimbursed for my prescription last week.

We're watching one of my favorite movies for the ten billionth time tonight, Love Actually.

So I give you my favorite scene. Hugh Grant, feel free to come dance in my house any time you like.


m said...

I love Hugh Grant and Love Actually. Thanks for the clip!

Glad you are starting to feel better!

Mel said...

HA, I love that movie and that scene!!