Monday, November 10, 2008

All I want for Christmas is....

Since all the stores are already putting out Christmas merchandise, Charlotte already has a 24-hour Christmas station and the outlets look like Winter Wonderland with shoppers walking around in shorts, I'll force feed y'all a bit of Christmas spirit. What are all of you wanting for Christmas? And no, I don't mean "new shoes for my kid" or "to have a healthy family" or any of that other stuff. We all know you want world peace and to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony while drinking a coke. I want to know what you WANT. The big stuff, the little stuff, the guilty pleasure stuff, the stuff that no one else is going to want. All that stuff.

SO. What do I want? Good Question. And these are in no particular order, they've just been floating around in my head this year.

1. A camera - specifically, a Nikon D-80. My SLR camera was stolen out of my car a year and a half ago and I've been using my crappy point and shoot ever since. I miss taking decent pictures.
2. The iPhone 3G. I've had dreams where I get one...and then, I wake up and I'm still fighting my blackberry.
3. While I'm at Apple, a 24" iMac. Yes, I've got a very fast, very awesome Macbook Pro already, but since I've started doing web stuff and graphic design, it REALLY does make things easier to have a desktop.
4. Speaking of design, the Cintiq pen tablet. Drawing right into the computer, no crappy paint programs anymore!
5. A gym membership. And a personal trainer, maybe once or twice a week.
6. A new television, specifically, I suppose this one would do. We've got one, but I have to put on glasses to see the guide channel after I sold my huge monster of a television back in April.
7. A vacation. Just about anywhere. India is next on my list of places I really really want to see before I have kids, or at least before I die.
8. A bed. I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor.
9. Paige jeans. Just about anything in a size 24.
10. A guitar. I took a class last year where I had to learn a little bit and I rather had myself some fun. I like this one because it looked and sounded pretty in the store. And yes, I like for everything to look pretty ;)

I could go on, but I won't. That's my top ten.


Drena said...

1- curtains for entire house
2- coffee table
3- interior of house to be painted
and deck/fence stained
4- window boxes
5- white river oil lifetime candle
6- stepping stones for front yard
7- a few more things to put on the walls
8- the real estate market to turn around
9- 2 large nutcrackers to go on the landing of my staircase
10- iphone

I know they are not very fun, but they are what I would like to have. I tend to like things for the house.

Carrie Davis said...

Why the know the D-90 is out. I secretly am hoping I get it, but doubt I will...

Mollypants said...

Sure, while I'm dreaming, I'll take the D-90!

Drena, if you're looking for stuff to put on the walls...a thought, paintings look lovely on walls. Especially original ones. By artists whose names start with an "M" and end with a "olly Harrington"

Drena said...

M- I know....I promise I will buy something. I really love the boat picture that you have done in the past. I'm kinda on hold on all these things until I feel the real estate market get a little better. Paying for the baby has to come first!! :)

Mollypants said...

I know, it's okay, the real estate market tends to be a good indicator of the art market, believe it or not ;) I'm used to it, but you've got another mouth to feed, I completely understand!