Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some days, you're the statue.

I sat down in my office's courtyard yesterday and looked around at the people who were also eating lunch outside. Hoping for a familiar face, I quickly realized that I was out of luck and only saw some random people I see in the elevator or similar situations. I looked down to my purse to grab my book to read instead, and then I heard it...

Woman: "you always look so pretty." I turn around and the woman is looking directly in my direction. I don't recognize her, but I quickly assume that I've met her on my first day when I met 10,000 other people.

Me: "oh, thank you!" Vain Molly has just turned this into a red-letter day.

Woman: "oh no, not you."

Woman points to her bluetooth underneath her massive football helmet hair.

Sometimes you're the bird, sometimes you're the statue.


Anonymous said...

If it helps, I had a similar experince. The story is about the same, expect there was no bluetooth, just a crazy bostonian.

Lora Lee & Lora Kate's Blog said...

Haha!! This is my laugh for the day! This sounds like something that would SO happen to me! These things only happen to certain people you know! :-)

Carrie Davis said...

Oh no! I'm sure you always do look pretty though :)

Drena said...

that's pretty damn funny!!

Will Smith tells this story of him playing golf and this oriental couple coming up to him with their camera. He starts going on and on to them about how he would just like to enjoy his day with his buddies and not to bother him. They look at him like he is nuts and ask him to take a photo of them. They had no idea who he was! :) See it happens to everyone!