Friday, March 20, 2009

Elvis Perkins in Dearland

More pictures later, but this is from one of the shows we went to on Thursday - Elvis Perkins in Dearland. I discovered him when I heard a song of his on NPR and almost wrecked my car trying to get the name of the artist. I haven't heard a bad song of his ever since, and was really excited to see him in the lineup. They played a free show at the North Shore Auditorium yesterday and we decided to catch it right before we went running in the same park. I'm sure we looked pretty silly in workout clothes at a rock concert, but I loved it nonetheless. We were able to get extremely close (a welcome change from the likes of the Music Midtown experiences I remember) and while most of the crowd was there for a band called Cold War Kids that was immediately following EPID, I really liked the show. They closed with this song, and I'm hoping to buy their new CD pretty soon.

1 comment:

m said...

Sounds like you are having lots of fun! Glad you are back soon!