Monday, February 2, 2009

My head, in a vise.

That's what it felt like. I had a mild headache on Saturday, got to bed really early after baby-sitting Owen and Caroline, and woke up with a bit worse of a headache. Sometimes, I've found that this means that I need to wash my sheets - dust and whatever allergens might be on them. I had just washed them a couple of days before, so I was a little surprised, but whatever. I washed them. Then, around 1:30, when I was walking to switch the sheets to my dryer, it hit. Seriously, it felt like someone punched me in the head. Know how in the cartoons, when someone bumps their head, they see birdies circling around? That was exactly how it felt.

I went to bed around 5:30. Worse when I laid down. Took Tylenol. Nothing. Took Sinus meds. Nothing. Finally took a painkiller left over from surgery. WOW. That did something. Thank you, Lortab.

This morning, after quite a tossing and turning (from being woken up by pain, repeatedly), I got up and insisted on going to work. For crying out loud, I've been to work when I had PNEUMONIA - I can handle a headache, right? I made it an hour. I realized at 9 am that I couldn't even see the words on my computer screen less than a foot away. I called my doctor, who miraculously could see me in less than an hour. I shouldn't have even driven, but that's how desperate I was to get this thing cured.

Diagnosis: same damn thing I had back in October. He gave me SIX prescriptions, a flu shot (in case it was a strain that hadn't been prevented by the live strain - in the nasal spray that I already had - I got the real shot this time) and referred me to an Ear Nose Throat doctor. I'm a little bit scared, I loved my old ENT surgeon, and he really helped me out in my horrible under-insured status. He gave me free samples, he shot the proverbial sheet with me outside the office (we lived near each other) and he told me hysterical stories about what he saw every day looking up a scope at people's boogers. And he was a fantastic surgeon. Judging from my before-and-after CAT scan, I've had doctors tell me before that my old surgeon, without a doubt, saved my hearing in my left ear, if not both - not to mention I feel incredibly better...95% of the time.

So yeah, I don't want a new ENT. I also don't want him to tell me I need new surgery. I. AM. NOT. GETTING. SURGERY. P.E.R.I.O.D. I cant' even imagine getting it again. I spent nine hours getting the crap beaten out of me last October, it took me a month and a half to recover, and I still remember the horrible recovery. If it's like childbirth, I shall not attempt more than one.

So I came home today and made myself a little sick feast:

Yes, that's six bottles in there somewhere (I count 5, but trust me, I got 6), mac and cheese, Coke Zero, and Danish Butter Cookies. I love those damn things.

Well, that's it - I'm glad that I went to the doctor - I waited two weeks last time, waited two days this time. I feel better. I also watched Slumdog Millionaire this weekend - fantastic movie, I'm betting on it for Oscar time!

PS- Speaking of Oscars, does anyone want to play Fantasy Fashion for it? Or maybe a pick-the-winners pool?

1 comment:

Mel said...

I don't know what fantasy fashion is but I like games...glad you feel better. I LOVED Slumdog Millionaire and for once can get on board with an Oscar nominee (there have been others but sometimes I just don't agree with their picks)