Like many of us, I've become addicted to reading the "25 things about me" things on Facebook. Call me self-centered, but I'm constantly coming up with new ones. Since I won't subject all of facebook to reading new ones, and because, well, if you're reading this, you have some sort of fascination with my life, here's a few I've been thinking of:
1. I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. My mom is a teacher of ADHD kids and thinks I'm not, but 95% of my really really good friends (Mark H is the lone holdout) agree with the two doctors' and one psychiatrist's diagnosis. I'm not hyperactive in the sense of the word that you may think, but since undergoing therapy - including medication and psychiatric analysis at different times - for it, I've realized what it entails: I sometimes have no internal monologue, I make rash decisions at the drop of a hat, and I get so overwhelmed by the thought of multi-tasking, I opt to do nothing because I'm scared I'll do it wrong and get in trouble. Without going too much into detail, it runs - deeply - on both sides of my family. This was all really hard to accept, especially the reality that I've always had trouble making and keeping friends because of it. Despite the fact that everyone on earth seems to want drugs that are prescribed to people on occasion for it, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'd rather have a normal brain.
2. Because of the above, I've decided that if I ever have an immense amount of money to fund something, I'd like to do something that helps kids who are in need of psychiatric services, be it for learning disorders, depression, emotional disturbances, grief/divorce/family counseling, whatever. I think there's so many kids out there who are - to put it in a nutshell - lonely, and they don't necessarily feel okay talking to their parents, teachers or friends about it. Put it this way - if you teeter on the edge of whether or not your kid needs to see someone, I'd recommend just dropping them off to talk to a therapist for a couple of sessions. If it's there, it will come out and you can deal with it and get a happy kid. If it's not, no harm done.
3. When I was 4, my 2-year-old brother and I were playing by the creek behind our house and he fell through the ice. My dad ran over, took him out, put his jacket around him and ran up the hill screaming for my mom to start a bath. I never told my mom until I was in my late 20's that I had actually told my brother to do it. It was only like THIS year before I was like "oh my god...he could have, that's not really funny, Molly..." I was 4, okay?
4. I really want to take a solo trip somewhere foreign.
5. As is evidenced by #4, I love my alone time. I don't let it take a backseat to everything else, and I like that. I am at a loss sometimes to explain why I can't make it to things, though.
6. I never ever felt the maternal pull to want to have kids until this past year. I knew I would favor having kids rather than not, but I'll admit, I still have this nagging fear that if I got a kid, I'd look at it and think "okay I changed my mind. Can I take it back? I have the receipt..." On that note, if my boyfriend is reading, I'm not thinking like THAT. In due time.
7. I have about seven people on my list that I'd like to apologize to for things I've done or said...things going back to like the 2nd grade. If given the opportunity, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I don't want to cause any further pain by bringing up bad memories that they may have not wanted to get out. Maybe their revenge against me will be knowing that I feel bad about it years later. If you know of someone that I owe a serious apology to that I have lost contact with, feel free to tell me that they would benefit from it.
8. I have been in way too many accidents to count, though only one or two while I was actually driving. My mom got t-boned when I was 13, Cara's sister Kelly flipped her pathfinder when I was 21, and one other has happened. I'm now terrified of seeing airbags deploy because of it.
9. After years of reading loss runs in insurance, I think of liability wherever I go. I imagine every way a product could injure someone. I'm sure I'd be a great tort lawyer. I am also now terrified of construction sites and trains.
10. I have lost only once in my life at Trivial Pursuit, to my boyfriend's parents. I'm still counting on a rematch with an edition that was actually made in my lifetime.
11. I'm incredibly competitive, but when I decide that I don't care, it drops like a hot potato.
12. I was born in less than 30 minutes of labor from when my mother hit the door to the hospital. My dad wasn't even there, he was in either the Dahlia or the T-room in Lynchburg as my mom thought that the second baby would be a longer labor. I have no idea how she did it, but my mom gave birth to all of us with NO drugs except a demerol for the oldest and pitocin for the youngest.
13. If I had college to do all over again, I'd have stuck with the art major, taken an extra year, and not been in such a rush to get out into the "real world." The real world isn't as much fun as it looks - and most definitely not as fun as Athens.
14. I can take critique very well in my artwork. I really like taking those ideas and making them into new works. Showering of compliments, however, are a different story. I know people disagree with me, but I feel like anyone can draw and paint as good or better than I can with patience and discipline.
15. Every painting and drawing I finish has no intrinsic value to me. If I could afford to do so, I'd give them away. This is why I had to get representation in Philly.
16. It drives me bonkers when my friends ditch me in favor of a guy they've only recently started dating. I basically cut a friend out of my life a couple of years ago for doing that repeatedly (literally, for like 10 years in and out of about 20 relationships) and while I missed her occasionally after deleting her number, I never regretted it. If you've been together for a while, I understand, but really...if you've known the guy for all of a month, do yourself a favor and have that independent girl in you that he loves stick around for a while. Keep your own life.
17. Likewise, it drives me equally bonkers when a girl says that she has no female friends because women are catty and jealous. It's usually code for the fact that SHE is catty and jealous. I don't know how I'd navigate this world without my female friends - something that I attribute to the sorority. It taught me that no matter what, unless he's your husband, there are some things that a man really can not help you with amongst your friends.
18. I love getting the EXACT right gift for someone. The one that you really can't get anyone else, the one that will make them think of that giver every time they see it. It's tough, none of those "gifts for him" lists online are helpful because of this.
19. I have a HUGE head. People don't believe me, and then I find a huge guy in the room and try on his hat. It's usually too small. I'm a 7 1/2.
20. If you ever hear of someone getting arrested for actually trying to LIVE in an anthropologie store, it's probably me. I frickin' love that place. When I have no money, I throw the catalog away without even opening it because I'm too tempted.
21. If I could do it for the rest of my life, I'd pursue degree after degree. Other than art, school is the only thing I've ever really been good at.
22. For a long time, I held the record for the highest SAT score in the sorority. Or at least that's what Ashley P told me. I think I was dethroned by senior year.
23. If I hadn't had gone to Georgia, I would have probably majored in architecture simply because I could draw and I loved Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. They didn't offer it as a major at UGA.
24. If I had no creative talent at all, I'd want to be a professional book reviewer. Although that would take writing creative talent. Screw that, I could never be in a profession for my career that didn't require creative ability. I'd get fired.
25. Speaking of, I have been fired twice in my life, both from waitressing jobs. Once because I stopped dating my boss at a restaurant I was working at. It's okay, I deserved it. The second time was because I got a poor score on a mystery shopper report. THIS one I still feel slighted for - it was across the street from Fenway Park, during game 6 of the pennant against the Yankees. It was physically impossible to wait on those tables adequately during that level of a rush. My report even said that I was a great server, but they couldn't give me scores for things that weren't possible. So I got fired. My boyfriend at the time ran one of their sister restaurants (further embarrassing) and had told me never to sign anything if I wanted a reference. So when the boss put the paper in front of me, I smiled, said "no thanks" and walked out. He tried to chase me down for it, and I refused. It was truly a sign from God, though - my acceptance letters to graduate school arrived that day in the mail.
Now you really know too much about your pal Molly.