Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sad post, but I'm trying for hope...

I normally never ask for these things, but whatever it is you do for a bit of human compassion - prayers, karma, good thoughts, lighting candles, what have you - please take some time and send an extra one out, if you could. I can't get into specifics of who or what, but I found out this weekend that a very dear friend of over ten years is going through a rough time, a rougher time than 90% of us will ever face. It tears my heart to pieces to see it happening, and I'm still quite in shock.

So yes, I'd love it if any of y'all could help with just some positive vibes or whatever it is that you do, and while you're at it, help someone out today that you know is having a tough go at life lately. You never know how much it will be appreciated.


Carrie Davis said...

For some reason your blog never shows up in my google reader...

Gosh, I'm sorry to hear this. I'll definately keep whoever it is my my thoughts.

Drena said...

carrie- I'm having the same problem w/ google reader and Molly's blog. Let me know if you figure it out.

Sorry for your friend. Hope it turns around.