Friday, May 1, 2009

Random junk from your elusive friend Molly...

Oh I know...I'm a horrible, spotty poster.
Random updates...
1. Still no update on whether or not I have a job. Supposedly going to find out on the results of my company's rebidding of the project next week, and by the looks of things, my company should be in a pretty good position. After that they've got to negotiate the details of their contract, which should help them figure out if they can afford me. At this point, I just want a decision.
2. I got an iPhone! I love it. I had to get a new phone (the blackberry really bit the dust - I couldn't type the A, S, W or space bar keys for some time) and I finally qualified for reduced pricing - actually lower than a new blackberry. First time EVER an Apple product has been cheaper than a non-Apple product!
3. Dan was in town this week. I had so much fun with him, we didn't do a whole lot, but he did build me some AWESOME shelves for my paints. I already knew Dan was good at this sort of thing, because on our first real "date", he outpacked my Dad (not easy) in loading up my U-haul to move here. I had more stuff than when I moved from Boston, and Dan packed way more stuff than my dad did in the same size U-haul. He really blew this one out of the water with the shelves though - I told him what I needed and he proceeded to build me some shelves that rival the work of any Engineer I'll ever know. All for less than $30 in materials at Lowe's, plus the purchase of a jigsaw that will come in handy when I start making my own frames again.
4. Still running, but I'm having some knee pain. I've had surgery on the same knee before, and I know that it's not an ACL or MCL (that would be HORRIBLE), and I think it's just tendonitis. But MAN, it HURTS. I had to slow down on an easy 3 mile run the other morning (yes, I had to run in the morning - it's already too damn hot to run in the evening here) because it hurt so bad, so I took two days off to rest it and I'm going to buy a specialized ice pack to ease the inflammation. I refuse to use those knee straps - my stepdad is in Sports Medicine and has always said that if you start running with one, you'll be dependent on it forever. Thankfully, the rest helped, I ran 3 miles today and I didn't have any pain. I'm going to run again in the morning, so we'll see how it goes on day 2 after the break. I am still up to date on my mileage, 2 months in, but I told Dan the other day that part of my slump with the knee pain is that frankly, I'm BORED of running. He recommended to not make myself make up runs if I skip one run or so a week, as long as I keep my long runs engraved in stone. I don't know - I'm afraid that if I break a schedule without making it up, I'll never start back. We'll see.
5. I'm babysitting 2 of my favorite towheads for like 36 whole hours this weekend - Owen and Caroline! I know Meghan's probably freaking out right about now, but it'll just be a quiet day and a half with the littlest Holbrooks. Meghan said we could go somewhere if we wanted, but given that there's a massive outbreak of Pinkeye, not to mention the Swine Flu, I think we're just going to keep it low-key and stay home. No, I don't think that they'd be Swine Flu Patient X and Y, but I pride myself on giving my baby-sitting charges back to their mothers without highly contagious diseases. We're going to have loads of fun, though, and I'm sure Matt and Meghan will do the same at the wedding in the dirty Jerz.
6. No real change in deployment status, but Dan might get a different unit, which will mean that he will go to the OTHER war-torn region. It means he gets to be with one of his best friends while he's on deployment, though, which is really good news for him and for me. I'd much rather him feel like he's being backed up by people that he really trusts instead of people he only recently met. It could be weeks before he even finds out, though, so I'm not thinking about it until I have to.
7. How ABOUT that professor that killed all those people in Athens? I was floored when I saw that. I had him for a class, but I ended up dropping it. I just remember him being smart, but I got an odd feeling from him. I thought maybe he was one of those teachers that would end up being fired for inappropriate relations with a student - turns out he was a brewing mass murderer instead. Who'd have thunk it?


Drena said...

good you are still alive and well except for the knee.

Athens professor may be the next Rudolph

Mel said...

I was beginning to wonder if you were still alive...had it not been for a comment on my blog, I might have sent out a search party!

I got bored of running too...not sure how to keep you from getting bored, but let me know if you figure it out. I will also agree with Dan in that as long as you still do all your long runs you will be good....there were a couple races were I would run a couple days a week but then do something else the other days (some sort of aerobic activity, step class or something) to still give me the cardio part but nothing will help your legs other than running...which is why you have to stick with the long run! I think that is also why a lot of running programs are fairly short in length, so people don't get bored. Good luck!!